To date, I have yet to find another sports manga that did character development as well as Eyeshield 21. There is one thing that ES21 does better than all other sports manga I've read: characters. Read it, laugh, and enjoy the awesomeness. Oh yeah, wanna know how much I liked it? I did not stop reading it for 2-3 days straight. I am proud to be one of those who have finished this manga because for those who haven't, you have no idea what you're missing!! My rating for this manga will never change even if someday I do find something better because this manga deserves it so much that I wish that the ratings were higher than a 10. There are a few hints of romance but it was never finalized so let's just leave it at that! Last but not least, if you read this manga and not laugh, you're either not human or you don't understand English. In terms of relationships, the friendship and trust is fulfilling.

This manga may be fictional but it just feels so damn realistic! The training, battles and obstacles is to me, the most well organized out of ANY other manga. It is exceptionally fun to see all of them fight each other. Everyone has their traits, their own weakness and their own goals. Just so you know, ALL the other characters in this story is just as fun and strong-willed as the main character. He is actually quite firm at times but usually the 'cool' moment backfires with him denying himself.-,-" But throughout the story you'll see him change his goals and his ways to the point that you just can't wait to see what he's going to do next! The main character is not the typical weakling-to-strong protagonist. You don't just learn to love the characters but you tend to actually grow with them and understand how they feel most probably because the mangaka portrays their personalities so vividly and is reasonably logic to human behavior. Other than that, the character developement in this manga is by far the best of the best.

He is the EPITOME of humour in this manga and keeps this story going. This manga is so good, that even you guys who are not American football lovers would enjoy it to the max!! Why is this so? First of all, I would say its because of Hiruma's very existence. And I meant that! I used to think that Slamdunk was the best sports manga but this, THIS really knocks it down HARD! No, I am not bragging.